Planning frequently asked questions.

Do I need planning permission for my loft conversion?

Planning permission for loft conversions in East London and Essex is not normally required. However, permission is required where you extend or alter the roof space and it exceeds specified limits and conditions.

Under new regulations that came into effect from 1 October 2008 a loft conversion for your house is considered to be permitted development, not requiring an application for planning permission, subject to the following limits and conditions:

  • A volume allowance of 40 cubic metres additional roof space for terraced houses

  • A volume allowance of 50 cubic metres additional roof space for detached and semi-detached houses

  • No extension beyond the plane of the existing roof slope of the principal elevation that fronts the highway

  • No extension to be higher than the highest part of the roof

  • Materials to be similar in appearance to the existing house

  • No verandas, balconies or raised platforms

  • Side-facing windows to be obscure-glazed; any opening to be 1.7m above the floor.

  • Roof extensions not to be permitted development in designated areas

  • Roof extensions, apart from hip to gable ones, to be set back, as far as practicable, at least 20cm from the eaves

What is permitted development?

You can make certain alterations on a house (as opposed to a flat or maisonette) without the need for planning permission. This is termed ‘permitted development’ and applies to an ‘original house’ i.e. a house as it was first built, or as it stood on 1st July 1948 if it was built before that date. If an ‘original house’ has not been extended (including a loft conversion) you may be able to develop your property under these rights. 

As permitted development is subject to limits on height and volume, and has many permutations, Trimloft Conversions will always apply for a Certificate of Lawful Development to confirm that ‘permitted development’ is lawful.

Your local authority may have withdrawn permitted development rights if you live in a conservation area.

Do I need planning permission in a conservation area?

If you live in a conservation area or your building is listed, planning permission will be required. It is always best to contact your local authority who will give you the necessary guidance. 

How do I go about getting planning permission?

Trimloft Conversions can liaise with your local authority and provide you with the relevant forms and guidance.

How long will it take for planning permission to be granted?

Generally, the local authority will notify us with their decision within 6 - 8 weeks.

How do I go about getting a party wall agreement?

It is always sound advice to consult your neighbours when intending to carry out any major works to your property. In our experience, keeping your neighbours informed in advance of any notification from planners, etc., can often avoid disputes further down the line.

The next step is to give notice in writing to all owners about what you intend to do, when you intend to do it, and how it will impact on them (you can include a copy of any plans). You need to serve notice at least two months before the work to the party wall is due to start. The adjoining owner may agree to work starting earlier but is not obliged to. Agreement from adjoining owners must be gained in writing.

If agreement on the work is not reached, an ‘agreed surveyor’ can be appointed to draw up an ‘award’. This award will typically set out the work to be done, how and when it will be carried out, and will include a report on the existing condition of the adjoining property (in case of a dispute arising about damage after the work has been completed). Alternatively, each party may appoint their own surveyor (although as the cost is usually incurred by the person who is proposing the work, it may be in their interest to use an agreed surveyor.)

Who are building control and why/when do I need to contact them?

Each local authority will have a building control office whose role is to ensure that any building work conforms to building regulations - this includes the use of approved materials, design and construction methods. From a legislative perspective, building work is defined as:

  • The erection or extension of a building

  • An alteration to a building

  • A material change of use of a building

Internal alterations such as layout changes (even non-structural ones) may affect fire safety so it is worthwhile contacting the local authority building control office and discussing what you have in mind with them before you decide on the building work. Otherwise your new layout may require further work (for example, additional fire doors).

General minor repair work involving replacing like for like does not normally require approval. If in doubt contact your local authority building control office. 

This information is provided for your general interest only. Trim Loft Conversions disclaims all responsibility and liability (including for negligence) in relation to use of the information on this site.